21 September 2019

Mabuhay!! U to U Teaching Practice in USHS, Central Luzon State University, Philippines: My Unforgettable Journey!

Student Name: Marcel Adiwibawa Origin University: Ganesha University of Education Recipient University: Central Luzon State University Recipient School: University Science […]
19 September 2019

Studied to become a Geography Teacher in Thailand

  Name                             : Nur Mohamad Al Firdaus Major                  : Geography Education Home University : Ganesha University Of Education Receiving University […]
18 September 2019

U to U Teaching Practice at PSU Wittayanusorn Surat Thani School: The Best Experience I’ve Ever Had

Name: Fitria Zahra Major: English Language Education Home University: Ganesha University of Education Receiving University: Prince of Songkla University’ Blog: […]