- CLSU’s main gate
Hello Everybody,
In this section, I would like to tell you my stories during my teaching practicum program. Let me start it with what kind of program that I joined. It was my university program which called Program PPL Luar Negeri UNDIKSHA, Overseas Teaching Practicum Program of Ganesha University of Education (UNDIKSHA) is one of collaboration teaching program that has been designed by UNDIKSHA with another University from abroad, and Central Luzon State University (CLSU) is one of them. Actually, this program has been started a year ago which began with a cooperation with SEAMEO in the SEA Teacher Project or the “Pre-Service Students Teacher Exchange in South Asia”. Then to continue the cooperation between UNDIKSHA and CLSU, they designed a program called U to U or University to University program which is similar with SEAMEO program. In this chance, I got an experience to go to one of Senior High School in Central Luzon State University. It is University Science High School (USHS). The aim of this program is to strengthen the cooperation between UNDIKSHA and CLSU especially in terms of culture and education. There are several things that I will discuss in this site: an introduction about CLSU and USHS, my teaching practice experiences and the Activities of U to U program.