Name: Dewa Ayu Krisna Apriyanti
Major: Mathematics Education
Home University: Ganesha University of Education
Receiving University: Prince of Songkla University
Name of School: PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School
Hello everyone, sawatdee ka, yes, that greeting is from the state of Thailand, I just heard it before from the drama or Thai movie that I watched, but finally I get a chance to hear it directly from Thai people in Thailand. If Aladdin helped Princess Jasmine to see a new world in the movie, then Undiksha helped me see a new world in the real world. My gratitude was before God because through Undiksha, he gave the opportunity to go abroad and teach Thai students there. This is my first time to go abroad, you can imagine how enthusiastic I participated in this program. Before setting off there is fear of being crossed in my mind, can I teach students whose culture is different from Indonesia?, can they easily understand what I am saying? and let me quickly adapt to the circumstances, food and the people?. The fear was finally answered after 1 month I was there, here is my experience while in Thailand, especially my experience of teaching students in Thailand. Let’s check this out.
1.1 School Profile:
PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani was established on 27th December 2012 under the administration of Prince of Songkla University. PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani has a new building near the administration office of Prince Of Songkla University after moves from the old building near the swimming pool. The philosophy of PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani is “Our Soul is for the Benefit of Mankind” where it is created a vision to create a positive workplace culture and develop to be the high education. PSU Wittayanusorn has the identity “Virtue and Wisdom” and Core Values called “Family”. There is a meaning behind Family such as; F is for Facility, A is for Active, M is for Marshalship, I is for Inspiration, L is for Leadership, and Y is for Youth.
1.2 Academic Facilities:
The new building of PSU Wittayanusorn School is consist of 30 classrooms. PSU Wittayanusorn School has some sports building such as; basketball court, swimming pool, badminton court, and futsal court. This school also has a library, laboratories, school health unit, administration room, teacher room, and a meeting room. The interesting thing about this school is very colourful, unlike the old buildings that are just white walls. The school is very clean and in the classroom also has been equipped with air conditioners so that students are comfortable when they are in the classroom and school.
1.3 Teaching System:
PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School has 6 Matrium (Matthayom). Matrium is level education of this school. Matrium 1-3 is for Junior High School students and Matrium 4-6 is for Senior High School Students. The learning process of this school starts from 08.30 a.m to 04.10 p.m from Monday to Friday which always begins with a ceremony. For the Mathematics course, in Thailand divides Math lessons into two, namely Mathematics and Additional Mathematics. Material on additional mathematics is more profound than Mathematics.
2. Pedagogical Contents:
2.1 Teaching Method:
The teaching method of my mentor and I is a direct learning method. The direct learning method is a method that emphasizes mastery of concepts and/or changes in behaviour by prioritizing a deductive approach. In this case, the teacher serves as an information presenter.
2.2 Source of Learning:
For the source of learning, there are books created by their teachers. Besides, they can also find the source on the internet or from other books.
2.3 Authentic Assessment:
The teacher evaluates the students by giving tests where it is held after each material is completed taught. There are also midterm test conducted in the middle semester and final test conducted at the end of the semester.
3. Teaching Plan:
3.1 Curriculum:
The curriculum used by PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School is a semester program where it is already designed and adjusted to Thailand’s school system rule. However, in making my lesson plan, I had to discuss it with my mentor.
3.2 Lesson Plan:
There are some differences in the lesson plan in Thailand and Indonesia. In Thailand, the lesson plan is simpler than Indonesia because the lesson plan here is not described as detail as a lesson plan in Indonesia and the lesson plan here is concise so the teacher will be not fixated of the steps in teaching. Also, there are some activities in the classroom such as opening lessons, giving a reinforcement, giving a question, closing lessons which are similar like the teacher used in Indonesia.
3.3 Others:
Teaching Program :
Lesson Plan :
4. Teaching Practice:
4.1 Teaching procedures in the classroom:
The teaching procedures in PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School is similar to teaching procedures in Indonesia. There are three parts in teaching procedures where both Thailand and Indonesia use it. Namely opening (pre-activity), main activity, and closure(post-activity). I use these three parts to teach in the classroom. The following procedures as follows:
1. Opening:
For the opening part, I came to the class and automatically the students stand up and do the greeting “Good morning Teacher”. After the greeting, I told them what they will learn and do during the study.
2. Main activity:
In the main activity, I divided into two parts. The first meeting I explained to the students about the material to make them understand and I gave 15 minutes to them to answer the student’s book to know their understanding of the material. For the second meeting, I gave them another a worksheet related to the material that I gave before.
3. Closure:
In this part, I concluded the material before I ended the material and gave homework to them for the next meeting.
4.2 Time Management and Activites For Each Meeting:
In PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School for the additional mathematics, the students will get 2 meetings a week. For each meeting is 50 minutes of study. On the first, I only gives them a very detail explanation about the material that the students are going to study, and for the second meeting, students will get worksheet or mini test to know their understanding of the material.
4.3 Problem Solving:
There are some problems that I met when I did teaching practise at PSU Wittayanusorn School. The first problem is the student’s book is in Thai language and I have trouble finding the material I teach in English that suits the material in their book so I always coordinate with my mentor in the case that the material I make is following the material in Student’s book or not. Another problem is some students don’t understand the material in English so my mentor has to translate again in the Thai language to them.
4.4 Other:
First Day at School
Teaching Practice
Teacher’s Day Ceremony
With My Beautiful Mentor, Teacher Fang
5. Summary and Suggestions:
5.1 Purpose of the teaching practice:
The purpose of teaching practice is to make the future teacher can applying the teaching ability to teach in full time and integrated skill in real situations. By joining this practice teaching in another country, the future teacher gets experience to teach students in school abroad, know the school environment conditions of the school abroad, develop their social and personal around the school, and expected the future teacher to be good and professional.
5.2 Outcomes of the Practice:
1. Gain new experiences to teach foreign students.
2. Having the competence to compete in the era of Globalization and Industrial 4.0
3. Become an ambassador of the Ganesha University of Education in education and cultural field abroad
5.3 Challenges of the Practice:
The challenges of this practice are to teach math with English to them. To learn math seems they are not too excited because they think math is a difficult lesson, then learn mathematics using English, a language that they do not too master, so I have to be patient and slowly when teaching them that they understand what I explain.
5.3 Overall Impression:
The teaching practice abroad is interesting, many things I get after doing this activity, not only know how to teach students with different culture but I can also know Thai culture, learning the Thai language, socializing with Thai people, and try their food.
5.4 Suggestion for Future Improvement:
For the next candidate of teaching practice abroad please prepare well all the necessary things, especially your mental and physical. Try to adapt quickly and well when abroad, you must have an open mind because there is certainly a lot of difference between Indonesia and not necessarily what is true in Indonesia is also true in the other country, as well as instead. You also have a high sense of curiosity because there will be a lot of new information that you get when you are abroad, so use the opportunity well.
That’s all about what I got when I did teaching practice in Thailand. I hope this report can motivate you to join this program because many benefits you will get if you join this program and I apologize if any mistakes in my report. Khob Kun ka, Thank you.