Padang, October 27, 2024 – Padang State University (UNP) successfully held the National Symposium of the Higher Education Development and Quality Assurance Forum on October 24 to 27, 2024. This event aims to strengthen the quality of higher education in Indonesia by presenting various experts and practitioners from various educational institutions.
The symposium, which was attended by hundreds of participants, ranging from academics to government officials, discussed challenges and strategies in improving the quality of higher education. Various panel discussion sessions and workshops were held, with the main focus on innovation in teaching, curriculum development, and efforts to improve education quality assurance standards on various campuses in Indonesia.
The Rector of Padang State University expressed his hope that the results of this symposium can encourage sustainable improvement in the national higher education system. “We hope that this symposium is not only a place to exchange ideas, but also as a momentum to formulate sustainable policies in an effort to improve the quality of education,” said the Rector of UNP in his speech.
In addition, the Institute for Quality Assurance and Learning Development (LPMPP) of Ganesha Education University (UNDIKSHA) has been appointed as the organizer of the national symposium in 2025. This announcement was welcomed by various parties because LPMPP is considered to have experience and qualified capacity in the field of quality assurance and learning development in the university environment.
Follow-up to the Symposium Results
The results of the discussion from this symposium are expected to be an important foundation in formulating policies and regulations related to higher education quality assurance in the future. One of the recommendations produced is the importance of increasing collaboration between universities in Indonesia and increasing human resources in the field of quality assurance through training and certification.
With this event, Padang State University is expected to continue to play an active role in developing higher education in Indonesia. The UNP Institute for Quality Assurance and Learning Development, which will host the symposium next year, has also begun to prepare an agenda to create further innovations in the development of higher education in Indonesia.
This national symposium is clear evidence of the commitment of universities in Indonesia to continue to prioritize the quality of education as an effort to realize competent and superior human resources in the future.