Name: I Gede Pasek Budi Wira Kusuma
Major: English Language Education
Home university: Ganesha University of Education
Receiving university: Prince of Songkla University
Blog address:
Name of school: PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School
Om Swastyastu
Sàwàddee kráb
I only heard this phrase from Thailand romantic movies. I love to watch them because they are very touching and in the same time very funny. I never know that I will be able to visit this country. UNDIKSHA gives me the opportunity to know more about Thailand. I have a chance to do my teaching practice there and hear Sàwàddee kráb in Thailand. It is a very great yet challenging experience. I am very excited to share this experience. Therefore, this is my teaching practice report in PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School.
1.1 School Profile
PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School was established on the 27th of December 2012 under the administration of Prince of Songkla University. The Philosophy of the school is “Our soul is for the benefit of mankind” which is created a vision to develop the quality of education. Therefore, the main purpose of the school is to provide the best quality of education for students by learning through innovation and creating the positive learning.
1.2 Academic Facilities
The area of the school is 10,000 m2. It consists of 26 classrooms. Some classrooms become one with lecture rooms of Prince of Songkla University. This room is located in U building which is the landmark of the campus. It is also supported by some sport buildings such as: swimming pool, badminton court, basketball court, and futsal court. This school also has library, school health unit, administration room, teacher room, and meeting room. The environment of the school is very comfortable because it is quite far from the highway, so it is not too noisy. A bus stop is in front of the school which is usually used by students to wait for private pickups or existing public transportation. The available parking spaces are also large enough to accommodate vehicles from teachers and students.
1.3 Teaching System
PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School is a school consisting of junior and senior high school students where both levels of learning become one called Matrium (Matthayom). PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School has Matrium 1 to 6, and if it is compared with the levels education in Indonesia, Matrium 1 to 3 is a level of SMP (Junior high school) and Matrium 4 to 5 is SMA (Senior high school) level. Learning in this school runs from 8am to 4pm and only lasts until Friday.
Generally, Thailand divides English lessons into two, namely Fundamental English and Additional English. Fundamental English is an English language lesson that focuses more on grammar in English, while Additional English focuses on students’ listening and speaking skills.
2.1 Teaching Method of the School’s Teachers
PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School applies the Active Learning method in each subject including English where this method is intended to optimize the potential from students where students will be able to achieve satisfying learning outcomes in accordance with their individual character, so the students can focus more on things taught in the classroom.
2.2 Sources of Learning Used by Teachers
Student learning resources for English subjects are 2 main books, namely students’ book and workbook. Students’ book is a book that contains material and used as guiding book. While the workbook is a practice book that is usually filled by students in the classroom or as a task.
2.3 Authentic Assessment Used by Teachers
In terms of assessment, the teacher evaluates students through the tests held in every third meeting in 1 week. After that, unit tests are held at the end of each unit. There were also midterm tests conducted in mid-semester and also final tests conducted at the end of the semester. In addition to the tests described earlier, the teacher also gives additional scores in the form of bonus points to students who are active in the class, who are able to answer questions, and also who are able to present the task first. This additional point will later help their final grades.
3.1 Curriculum
The curriculum used by PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School is a semester program that has been designed and adjusted to the rules of education in Thailand. However, because the semester program uses Thai script, then in making the lesson plan, I am assisted by the tutor teacher.
3.2 Lesson Plan
Similar to teachers in Indonesia, teachers in Thailand also prepare learning by making lesson plans that are used as a reference in carrying out the learning process. Lesson plans in Thailand are simpler than in Indonesia and 1 lesson plan is used for 1 week. Lesson plans in Thailand is not described in detail but is very concise because teaching is more flexible with conditions in the classroom, so the teacher is not too fixated by the description of the steps in the lesson plan. In addition to the above, other than that such as activities opening lessons, closing lessons, giving reinforcement, and giving questions are similar things done like in Indonesia.
3.3 Others
Teaching Program
My Lesson Plan
4.1 Procedures of Teaching
The teaching procedure in Thailand has three core parts that are same as in Indonesia namely opening, core, and closing activity, so I also teach with the following procedure:
1) Opening
In the opening, I come to the class and let the students stand up and do the gretting in English. After that I do brainstorming and relate it to the upcoming material. I also ask a question from the previous lesson somtime.
2) Core
In the core activity will be different for each meeting. In the first meeting, I explain about the material very clear to the student and give them time to answer the student’s book to know their understanding of the material. In the second, I check the student’s book answer together with the students and if it is possible I give them another excercise, and then check it together again. For the third meeting I give them a test to get their score. To get their score I use paper based test and also playing kahoot.
3) Closing
In here, sometime I give them homework. Before that I conclude the material by inviting the students to tell what they get from the lesson and after that I deliver the overall conclusion. To end the class, students stand up and say thank you in English to me.
4.2 Time Management and Organizing Activities
Students at PSU Wittayanusorn Suratthani School will get 3 meetings a week for English subjects. Within 1 hour of study is 50 minutes. The 3 meetings are as follows; 1) the first meeting is where the teacher gives a very detailed explanation of the material in a unit, 2) at the second meeting, students are given practice questions to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the material, 3) and the final meeting will be a test for the material discussed. So in this training I followed what had been done in the previous school. So that it does not interfere the school routine and later what I have given can be continued when I have finished my teaching practice.
4.3 Problem Solving
In teaching, the problem is that the school gives permission for students to take mobile phones to school. This has good and bad effects at the same time. The purpose of the school to give permission to students bring their mobile phone is to make it easier for students to search for online learning materials. But on the other hand, some students take advantage of the opportunity to bring this mobile phone to play games in class when the learning process takes place.
To overcome this, I did two ways. The first is to ensure that each student inserts his mobile phone in their bag before starting the class and the second is by using the mobile phone for learning purposes. The second method is getting the high enthusiasm from students where I use the kahoot game to get the test scores of students in the third meeting of a material.
4.4 Others
5.1 Purposes of the Practice
The purpose of the implementation of this teaching practice is to give the real example on how to carry out the task of teaching in another country. The student teacher is expected to be a professional teacher in the future. As for the other purposes of this practice are:
a. Applying the ability to teach in full and integrated in real situations.
b. Mastering basic teaching skills in the learning process.
c. Developing social and personal aspects in the school environment.
d. Develop learning competencies in English subject.
e. Getting to know the physical, administrative, academic and socio-psychological environmental conditions of the school abroad.
f. Gaining experience and insight into teacher practice in school abroad.
g. Understand academic and non-academic cultures in school abroad.
5.2 Outcomes of the Practice
This program provides many benefits for me especially for my teaching. The benefits are as follows:
a. Having the basic in developing teacher competencies with international insight.
b. Having the competence to be able to compete in obtaining work in the era of globalization and fourth industrial revolution.
c. Becoming an Undiksha ambassador in the field of education and culture abroad.
5.3 Challenges of the Practice
The challenge in running this practice is language barrier. Although it can be said that I have sufficient English skills, in fact in Thailand there are very few people who can speak English. Likewise, the students’ English skills are not very good. So I need to learn a little some Thai phrases. But that did not make me give up at all.
5.4 Overall Impression
This teaching practice abroad is a very good program yet very challenging. In my opinion, this experience can add to my insight as a teacher candidate. Not only knowing how the education system is in my own country but also being able to experience how the education is carried out in other countries. This made me become more open minded person with exposure to the implementation of international education.
5.5 Suggestion for Future Improvement
For students who want to take part in this next batch teaching practice abroad program, you have to come well prepared mentally to deal directly with students who have different cultures. You have to adjust to that difference. That is why, observations must be made in earnest to get valid information. In addition to preparing mentally, the physical must be well prepared too, considering the schedule given by the tutor teacher is quite a lot. Not only that, students must walk from the dormitory to the training school. In addition, adaptation to the environment and also the type of food needed. Thus, you have to prepare your physicality. Through this activity, students can practice the knowledge that has been obtained during lectures. But, not only learning about academics, students are also required to be able to socialize with new people: partners, teachers, staff in school, and the society. Socializing and team working are also important things in this program.
Well, I think that’s all what I can share about the teaching experience in Thailand. Hopefully this writing can motivate you to be a part of teaching practice abroad program and help you to prepare yourself for it.
Kòbkûn kráb
Thank you
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om